

Materials: Prismacolor Softcore-Verithin, Faber-Castell Polychromos, Koh-I-Noor pencils, white paint, light grey card stock.


Practice Done

Materials: Prismacolor Premier Softcore, Verithin, Polychromos, Koh-I-Noor pencils, white paint, toned card stock.

Practicing Shading


Trying out some shading techniques. The lady on the left was, for the most part, shaded with white Prismacolor pencil. The one on the right with lighter tones of green and some yellow. The difference is that white washes out the colors and using a lighter tone of whatever color you’re working with, keeps the vibrancy. Using dark green and blue for shading gave a better look than if I had used black. Black quickly makes shades look “dirty”.

The Forgotten Sign


Some are born in the thirteenth month. They are zodiac sign Pesnis.
Materials: Different types of graphite (Faber-Castell and Pentel technical pencils, sketching pencils), Winsor & Newton Bristol board.

Zodiac: Aquarius


And with Aquarius, the Zodiac series is complete!
Materials: Different types of graphite, Winsor & Newton Bristol board.

Aquarius Wip