Oodles of Doodles Page One

Here are the first few prompts from the February art challenge Oodles of Doodles. The doughnut and the Berliner aren’t part of the list; they were done a few weeks ago, but fit right in with the rest. ^^

Oodles of Doodles

I’m doing the February art challenge “Oodles of Doodles”, hosted by the.petite.planner and bulletjournaljunkie on Instagram. I’ll try to do all prompts, but can’t promise anything. Thanks to grelinmachin for bringing this list to my attention.~~ I will post a daily sketch in the “Assorted” Gallery.



I’m taking some pictures of my Re-Ment and Megahouse miniatures collection. I’ll add some to the “Photos” Gallery from time to time.~~